Course Overview – 3.5hrs
One of the most common mistakes in management is not having the dreaded ‘difficult conversation’. We procrastinate, tell ourselves there are other priorities, that ‘it won’t work so why bother’, or that ‘surely the issue will resolve itself with time anyway’. All the while though we can see the harm that not having the conversation, or not tackling the issue is having on the person we need to have the conversation with, the surrounding team, and the service that we offer. In this session we will remove the fear and pain from those dreaded interactions.
During this 3.5hr workshop you will learn step-by-step frameworks for having some of the most difficult conversations, including very difficult performance management situations, or sharing unhappy news. We will explore you how to ensure you demonstrate your ethics, integrity, and compassion, whilst still dealing with the situation directly. As well as how to harness and communicate positive intent, in order create a collaborative dialogue instead of discussion that seems mired in conflict. Through the session you will also increase your understanding of the different types of reaction that people can have when they are hearing something they really do not want to, whilst also learning some of the key timing points and ways to phrase things can make those difficult conversations much easier. Please note: Access to relevant materials is provided after the course via a QR code This course is 3.5 hours in duration. Duration
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