Formalising your skills and value as a world-class Software Testing Engineer to secure your future.
Test Engineering is now highly valued by companies and CIO’s, who now spend an average of 30% of project budget on testing (Capgemini world testing report)! With a shortage of skills that is estimated to be 40% worldwide, every Test Engineer now has a fantastic opportunity to grow their skills, increase their value and secure a bright future. How about you?
• Have you been in testing a while and gained some skills and experience?
• Are ambitious to grow your own career?
• Do you recognise the opportunity that is out there?
The question is: How to take advantage of the opportunity brought about by changing technology, increased automation and development methods and the need for people with skills and the gravitas to make a positive difference to major programme developments and corporate success?
In concert with a major systems integration company, TSG Training has developed a compelling learning & development programme to take people from raw beginner through to a world-class testing expert. Consisting of 5-key stages of development, your experience determines your starting position in the programme:

ISTQB Model Based Testing
Intro to Risk Based Testing
Test Techniques
BCS Foundation in AI
Intro to Test Automation
Intro to Performance Testing
ISTQB Advanced Test Manager
Each key stage has been formulated specifically to give you multi-competencies that fit your goal, corporate needs and market trends that you can use immediately.
Stage 1. This probably will not apply to you if you are already experienced, as it is where the raw-beginner in Test Engineering learns the basics, gains Foundation level qualifications, and has a chance to gain some specialist, optional skills;
Stage 2, where you develop into Senior Test Engineer / Test Team Leader and choose a number of specialist competencies, such as automation, requirements engineering, AI, etc.
Stage 3 to develop the leadership skills and a specialist competency to run key testing projects;
Stage 4, where you step up by gaining skills and competencies in Test Architecture and Consulting
Stage 5: The world leading test expert, where you really are on top of the game and a recognised industry leader and expert.
See more on all of the stages in the complete programme by downloading it here.